Project Description

New flagship boutique department store opened June 2015 in Mayfair with full MEP design to two luxurious sales floors and corporate headquarters facilities.

William & Son’s merchandise value demands an extremely high level of security, Dowling Blunt provided a bespoke security solution. A detailed case study of the project is available below:

Security Case study link

“Dowling Blunt designed and procured electronic and physical security systems that were in tune with our insurer’s requirements and those of our own.

The state of the art multi layered security systems gives us the peace of mind that both personnel and property have the best protection, whilst remaining in architectural sympathy with our visually beautiful show rooms.

Dowling Blunt ably supported us throughout the journey, enabling the original concepts to be faithfully realised at installation – with the systems being delivered on time and within budget. ”

John Hicks, Finance Director, William & Son